Smarter Surfaces Blog
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Explore Whiteboards options of Smarter Surfaces: Whiteboards, Whiteboard Paint, and Dry Erase Wall Coverings
Previously on our blog we have made comparisons between whiteboards and whiteboard paint and another between dry erase paint and dry erase wallcovering. Today we are going one step further and comparing all three products at once. Continue reading→
How To Create a Projector Surface
In today’s post we give you a simple step-by-step guide on how to create a projector surface using Smart Projector Paint. Continue reading→
Transform Your Workspace With DIY Colored Whiteboard Surfaces
So, you’re thinking of adding whiteboard functionality to your surfaces. We think that’s a great idea.Whiteboard surfaces are an amazing tool that can help you plan, organize and visualize all of your projects without limiting yourself to the small confinements of a traditional whiteboard. Continue reading→
Advantages and Disadvantages of Glassboards
Contemplating installing glassboards into your office? There are a lot of things to consider. Before adding anything it is important to make sure that this product is the right one for you. Continue reading→
White Magnetic Wallpaper for Walls: What You Need To Know
Are you considering adding a magnetic surface to your workspace or classroom? Try a white magnetic wallpaper for walls like Smart Magnetic Wallpaper. Continue reading→
4 Reasons To Choose Projector Screen Paint
When adding a projection surface to your work space, it is important to check out all the options. You can get lost searching through all the available products and still not have an answer to the most important question. Continue reading→
Discover Wallpapers That You Can Write On
Tired of having limited space to work on? Want to make your office more eco-friendly and reduce the amount of paper you use? Then why not consider wallpapers that you can write on for your space? Yes, we really mean... Continue reading→
The Top 3 Modern Teaching Methods
Traditional teaching methods favored a teacher-centric classroom model where students would learn and recite information back to the teacher. Traditional methods also assumed that all students were of the same intellectual ability. Continue reading→
What is Whiteboard Ghosting and How To Fix it?
Wiped clean, yet somehow still there? Whiteboard ghosting can be a headache. Unintelligible old marker scribbles (a.k.a. ghost lines) from past meetings or lessons can clutter your whiteboard, making new text tough to decipher. While regular dry erase boards commonly... Continue reading→