EPIC Museum: Transforming Heritage with Projection Mapping

EPIC, the Irish Emigration Museum, located in the heart of Dublin is a beacon of cultural heritage and innovation in Ireland. The museum has been awarded Europe’s Leading Tourist Attraction for three consecutive years: 2019, 2020 and 2021, using projection mapping to enhance visitors’ visits and create an immersive experience.

Transforming Heritage with Projection Mapping at EPIC Museum

EPIC has twenty immersive display galleries and explores the narrative of Irish emigration, studying its global cultural impact. The museum is housed within the historical setting of a former customs warehouse, which has been restored to host this innovative and modern exhibition space.

Smarter Surfaces create innovative surface solutions that promote both collaboration and immersive environments. Our range of projector paints are specifically designed to transform any wall into a high-quality projection surface. They were chosen to transform the way stories are told within exhibit spaces. The collaboration between EPIC and Smarter Surfaces aimed to go beyond traditional display limitations, setting a new standard for projection mapping immersive visitor experiences.

Telling Stories in a Unique Space

The EPIC Irish Emigration Museum had a unique challenge. They needed to tell a story and create a truly engaging, immersive experience for their visitors. Traditional screens posed limitations in size and interactivity. This was restricting the museum’s ability to present their stories in the compelling manner they envisioned. The goal was to transform the way visitors interacted with the exhibits through projection mapping, using our projection paints.

As EPIC Museum is housed within an historical structure, we needed to preserve the integrity of the surroundings. At the same time we needed to integrate modern technology. EPIC were looking for a solution that could blend seamlessly with their exhibits. It also needed to get around the constraints imposed by conventional display screens and projectors.

The aim was to create a continuous, uninterrupted visual flow throughout the galleries. This would allow the stories of Irish emigration to naturally unfold within the spaces.

Smarter Surfaces’ Solution

In response to these challenges, the museum turned to Smarter Surfaces. Our cutting-edge projector paints offer an innovative solution for projection mapping. EPIC wanted to use our specially formulated paints to convert the walls of the exhibition space into expansive, high-definition projection mapping surfaces.

Smarter Surfaces product range includes our Ultra High Contrast Projector Screen Paint. It is engineered to enable high-quality projections on any surface and was an ideal fit for EPIC’s requirements. It meant that any area of the museum’s galleries could become a dynamic canvas to tell the story of Irish emigration. The paint can support superior image quality, up to 4k, and wide viewing angles to create the desired immersive experience.

The implementation process involved an application of the projector paints onto the museum’s unique wall surfaces. This required a tailored approach due to the intricate nature of the historical building’s interior architecture. The Smarter Surfaces team worked closely with the museum’s exhibit designers to ensure that the application of the paint would serve its functional purpose for projection mapping, but also maintained the presentation of the exhibits and the space.

This innovative solution provided by Smarter Surfaces enabled EPIC to surpass the limitations of screen size and aspect ratios, offering a versatile and engaging medium that brings the tales of Irish emigration to life. The result was a series of interactive displays that allowed visitors to step into a world where history and technology converge, offering a sensory-rich educational experience.

Ultra high contrast projection paint at EPIC Museum

Surface Setup for Projection Mapping

Measure & Mark: We began by accurately measuring the area intended for the application of the projector paint. After determining the dimensions for the projection mapping areas, any parts not to be painted were masked.

Preparation: Any parts of the exhibit that weren’t being painted were covered. Then, the museum’s walls were prepared to ensure the optimal application of the projector paint. This stage was crucial to achieve a smooth finish that would not distort the projected images. Any imperfections on the surfaces were filled and sanded to create a smooth and flat surface.

Application: Smarter Surfaces’ team then proceeded with the application of the Ultra High Contrast Projector Screen Paint. This paint was selected for its superior reflective qualities and compatibility with the museum’s various lighting conditions to ensure optimal projection mapping.

Calibration: Following the application, we tested and calibrated the installation. EPIC employees state-of-the-art projectors, and the positioning was fine-tuned to maximise the impact of the images and to ensure the projections were clear, bright, and vibrant from every angle of the room.

Integration: The final step involved integrating the new projection surfaces into the museum’s existing exhibition design. This included adjusting the visual content to fit the unconventional shapes and sizes of the painted walls, ensuring a seamless blend between the projection mapping and the physical environment.


The outcome of integrating Smarter Surfaces’ projector paints at EPIC The Irish Emigration Museum was immediate. Visitors to the museum were greeted with the large-scale, high-definition projections that bring the history of Irish emigration to life. The innovative use of Smarter Surfaces technology provided a canvas that is more expansive and interactive for projection mapping when compared to traditional display methods.

The museum’s exhibitions were transformed into a continuous visual journey, without the breaks and limitations of physical screens. This immersive experience allowed the stories, images and data to be presented in a manner that was both educational and engaging. Feedback from visitors was overwhelmingly positive, with many expressing amazement at the seamless integration of visual technology into the historical space.

The flexibility of the projection paint means that EPIC can now update and change their projection mapping without being constrained by the size or shape of digital displays, ensuring that the museum remains at the cutting edge of exhibition design.

Future Spaces

The successful collaboration between EPIC The Irish Emigration Museum and Smarter Surfaces has demonstrated that innovative solutions can be seamlessly integrated into heritage environments. The application of Smarter Surfaces’ projector paints at EPIC has not only enhanced visitor engagement but has done so while preserving the historical essence of the museum’s space.

EPIC’s forward-thinking strategy provides a blueprint for how museums and educational spaces can leverage advanced technologies to their advantage. The versatility of Smarter Surfaces’ projection paints present numerous possibilities for its application. These projection paints can overcome traditional spatial constraints, offering new ways to create interactive and compelling narratives within any environment. Architects and designers now have the tools to build with interactivity in mind, envisioning spaces that are built to actively engage people.

At Smarter Surfaces, we think our partnership with EPIC is a testament to the value that our products can bring to exhibition design. Institutions can present their content in novel ways that engage, educate, and endure in the memories of their audiences. It’s not just limited to the heritage sector. Corporate offices, educational facilities, and even retail spaces can adopt this technology to enhance their environments, making walls and surfaces a dynamic element of their interaction with visitors, customers, and employees.

Get In Touch with Us

The product advisors and industry experts at Smarter Surfaces are ready to answer any question you may have regarding whiteboard paints, magnetic paints, wallpapers, and projection paints.

If you’re an architect or a designer, we have a dedicated program for you which assists you in picking the right product for your project. Join the Architects & Designers Program and receive discounts.

You can book a free video consultation with us where you show us the wall you want to transform, talk to us about your goals, and we will help you find the most effective products for the purpose.